Improve Reading Comprehension with Work Mats

Improve reading comprehension with hands on work mats.

Improve reading comprehension with hands on work mats.

I thought I was rocking my first years of teaching. I had my guided reading groups set up and I was meeting with them multiple times a week. We worked on phonics, read a book, and answered some surface level comprehension questions. Then it came time to an independent assignment or assessment and my students were lost. I didn’t realize my students became so dependent on me. My students would be finished with an activity or assignment before they even began, ESPECIALLY when it came time to answer reading comprehension questions. I was getting the same student questions over and over…

“How long does my answer have to be?”

“Can you tell me what ______ means?”

“Do I have to write in a complete sentence?”

“How do I start my answer?”

“Can I start my sentence with because?”

Do these questions sound familiar? They were happening daily in my classroom. Then I started using Reading Comprehension Work Mats during guided reading and they changed everything!

Today, I want to share a reading comprehension strategy that I started using that changed my students from struggling readers to thriving readers. Reading Comprehension Work Mats helped my students feel successful and no longer lost or defeated. Make sure to scroll to the bottom to check out a FREEBIE.

Focus on a Specific Reading Comprehension Skill

Each Reading Comprehension Work Mat is focused on a specific comprehension skill. The skill is directly tied to our whole group mini lesson comprehension skill. The great thing about these work mats is that the skill is listed in bold letters at the top and the meaning of the skill is right next to it. When I first meet with my small group we review the skill by reading the skill and the skill meaning. I help my students see the connection between the skill and the mini lesson we talked about as a class.

Improve reading comprehension with work mats.

Improve reading comprehension with work mats.

Helpful Explanations and Reminders for Reading Comprehension

Each Reading Comprehension Work Mat has a explanation box that provides the meaning of the targeted comprehension skill. The boxes below the targeted skill give helpful tips, reminders, and examples for finding the information needed. The boxes also contain questions students might ask themselves to begin their thinking process. These boxes are especially helpful for students who struggle answering questions that require them to think beyond the surface level.

Use Sticky Notes or Dry Erase Markers

There is something about sticky notes and dry erase markers that gets my kids excited! I laminate the work mats and usually use sticky notes, but occasionally we will use dry erase markers. The boxes are the perfect size to fit 3x3 sticky notes. I usually have my students place the sticky notes on the boxes first. Then they will either write on a sticky note before reading or they will begin to read and will stop and write on them while reading.

Sentence Starters

I’m saving the best for last. I think the sentence starters are the best part of the reading comprehension work mats! Sentence starters provide a place for my students to get started and it is amazing to watch them continue their sentences simultaneously. There are multiple sentence starter options, which makes it easy to differentiate! The sentence starters promote student independence and allow me to work with single students in the group at a time.

Are you ready to try out Reading Comprehension Work Mats in your classroom? You can grab a FREE cause and effect comprehension work mat HERE.

You can also grab the Reading Comprehension Work Mats Growing Bundle HERE.

If you are looking for more literacy ideas, tips, and resources, please check out below!

Guided Reading Data Organization

Organizing Literacy Rotations

Items I used with this resource that you might find helpful:

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